Lange-termijneffect van hypnotherapie bij PDS

Resultaat van Hypnotherapie bij PDS IBS chronische buikpijn

Het lange-termijneffect van hypnotherapie bij PDS is inmiddels in heel wat onderzoeken overtuigend aangetoond. Dit onderzoek laat zien dat hypnotherapeutische behandeling bij PDS langdurig resultaat geeft. Natuurlijk kan een goed gesprek ook een positief effect hebben op buikklachten. De resultaten van hypnotherapie zijn bij PDS echter aanzienlijk beter dan bij behandeling met gesprekstherapie.

Voor het beste resultaat is individuele behandeling door een goed opgeleide (en dus door verzekeraars erkende) hypnotherapeut noodzakelijk.

Onderzoeksresultaten hypnotherapie bij PDS

Long-term success of GUT-directed group hypnosis for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome:
a randomized controlled trial.

Gabriele Moser, Silja Trägner, Ewelina Elwira Gajowniczek, Andrea Mikulits, Maria Michalski, Lili Kazemi-Shirazi, Stefanie Kulnigg-Dabsch, Martina Führer, Elisabeth Ponocny-Seliger, Clemens
Dejaco, Wolfgang Miehsler.

American Journal of Gastroenterology 2013 April

OBJECTIVES: Gut-directed hypnotherapy (GHT) in individual sessions is highly effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
This study aimed to assess the long-term effect of GHT in group sessions for refractory IBS.

METHODS: A total of 164 patients with IBS (Rome-III-criteria) were screened, and 100 refractory to usual treatment were randomized 1:1 either to supportive talks with medical treatment (SMT) or to SMT with GHT (10 weekly sessions within 12 weeks).
The primary end point was a clinically important improvement on several dimensions of daily life (assessed by IBS impact scale) after treatment and 12-month follow-up.
The secondary end point was improvement in general quality of life (QOL; Medical Outcome Study Short-Form-36), psychological status (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale) and reduction of single IBS symptoms. Analysis was by intention to treat.

RESULTS: A total of 90 patients received allocated intervention. After treatment, 28 (60.8%) out of 46 GHT patients and 18 (40.9%) out of 44 SMTs improved (absolute difference 20.0%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0-40.2%; P=0.046); over 15 months, 54.3% of GHT patients and 25.0% of controls improved (absolute difference 29.4%; 95% CI 10.1-48.6%; P=0.004). GHT with SMT improved physical and psychological well being significantly more than SMT alone (P<0.001).
Gender, age, disease duration and IBS type did not have an influence on the long-term success of GHT.

CONCLUSIONS: GHT improves IBS-related QOL, is superior to SMT alone, and shows a long-term effect even in refractory IBS.

Hypnotherapie bij PDS – Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom

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